Adchitects Weekly №5

4 min readJul 21, 2020

We’ve promised some big news the last time we spoke, so — we’re definitely keeping this promise. Although before we get distracted by those, let’s appreciate this nice summer we have. A bit stormy indeed, but the temperatures are bearable, making the nights quite comfy. Perfect weather to enjoy a cold one by the river. Now, after this summer ad…

Company updates 🏢

B-b-b-b-b-b-back to the office!

Big news number one: We’re back on Ratajczaka. There was a bit of work to be done beforehand: moving furniture here and there, buying some new equipment (loving the soundproof booth!), a one-year supply of hand sanitizer, fixing some old equipment, cleaning the cupboards or getting rid of some old memoirs (RIP foosball table 🕯️)…

Rafał and Marcin working hard (or hardly working?)

…but we’re back. And it’s awesome.

Yeah, who doesn’t love having to walk 2 meters from your bed to desk, working without taking a shower or having absolutely no contact with other people? Actually, we don’t. It feels fantastic to hear the chatter or grab a coffee with your colleague.

And these guys are actually working.

This Salmon is Alive

Numéro deux — to introduce the nutritious and tasty superfood all carnivores will definitely endorse — salmon. Although in most cases, salmon farming is not the most sustainable thing we could endorse, as the environment in which salmon is “harvested” is a terrible place. Waters in which they swim are infested with industrial waste, parasites… and if that wasn’t enough, the fish itself is packed with antibiotics or pesticides.

Fortunately, there are companies who have a critical approach to welfare and sustainability. And such is Atlantic Sapphire, with its innovative approach to farm salmon on land, in special pens, where farming happens in fully controlled environment, maintaining all standards of being environment-friendly.

Why all of this above?

As last week we got the opportunity to deliver website for their flagship product — Bluehouse Salmon. We do indeed love the website, we loved working with the client and there was so much stuff we’ve learnt here… but most importantly, we’re now more aware about our choice of salmon.

When the winners win

So, what happens when you deliver websites such as above? Number three happens:

We’ve been named as the best designers in Poland.

Mic drop.

There’s so many people we could thank for that — our parents, our teammates, our pets, our clients… but, there are still a whole lot of stars to reach, so let’s go get ’em now! 🤘

Other updates 🤔

Modelling career starts now

In the last issue, we’ve sneak peek’d how Krystian and Tobiasz were twisting and twirling in front of the camera with various memoirs and gadgets they felt comfortable with.

Results? Dayum.

Enhancing the Behancing

As usually and as always, we continue to keep our Behance up-to-date. Last week shares include Field Tiles, or in other words, another product we helped to shape. Give it a look. if…

  • …you’re an interior designer…
  • …you’ve started home renovation…
  • …you love a damn fine ceramic tile…
  • …your eye is keen for good design.

Recommendations 🎉

To read:

…this piece of cold mail:

Fortunately, that’s not all. Kuba found a nice article, comparing programming to the Olympics. And if countries were to participate in such Programming Olympics… Poland would get a bronze medal. Not bad.

To listen:

  • New Massive Attack tune, shared by Kuba. “Political, as always”.
  • Slowdive by Slowdive, shared by Maurycy. A damn fine classic, even though it was released just 3 years ago.
  • Very rare balearic/techno beats by enigmatic artist called U. Listen to Lowlands, provided by Tobiasz.

And with that…

we’re jumping on to tackle more and more tasks. Have a great week ahead, and remember to continuously treat ‘yoself, just like Julia did on her weekend trip by the Polish beach.




We are Adchitects, an award-winning web design agency focused on fostering relationships and work culture to deliver world-class digital products.