Adchitects Weekly №6

5 min readAug 4, 2020

How do you imagine spending summer? Long vacations under the palm, sipping on those caipirinhas? Chillin’ deep in the forest with nothing but nature sounds? Or maybe doing all the stuff that most people find terrifying, like, physical activity? Possibly no plans at all because of the you-know-what-virus?

Whatever your plans are, they certainly don’t apply to us, as our hands are full of work. No overtime fortunately. We’re happy to see that our clients are coming back to us with some new tasks, as well as brand new clients talking to us for the first time.

BUT! For this only occasion, let’s keep in holiday mood and focus on non-work-related things.

Office updates 👔

Business as usual

Third week in the office. No fights yet, and we seem to get along surprisingly well…

…for the time being.

But it’s nice to see the habits of others, such as: working hours, who leaves the toilet seat up, has their favourite mug, various eating times, favourite office deco, amount of coffee drank… and most importantly, who does the most chitchat and other banter.

The smell of scented disinfectant fills the whole office from time to time. Dishwasher is working full swing non-stop. Cupboard is still full of coffee. It’s calm, it’s comfortable, it’s shared. Thus the title.

Although there was also a ‘soy sauce meets white wall’ type of accident but I really don’t want to talk about it.

Can we instead just talk about Agata who got a chance to visit us for a couple of hours, straight from the other side of the Poland? Thanks Agata for your journey, it was a pleasure to host you! Hoping to see you again soon ❤

Back to Warsaw.

Nine Million Bicycles

Coming back to the office meant that we’re going to flood the yard with our bikes (especially with the nice weather around). Although two bike racks wasn’t enough to support our demands. But diplomacy is a skill: we’ve agreed to lock our bikes together if the racks are full.

But first, we need to find out which bike belongs to who. Certainly, nobody wouldn’t want to go downstairs and find out some random jackass locked their bike to any of ours and then conduct a year-long investigation among the neighbours.

Now, execution — Szymon prepared a doc, and we’re all sharing pictures of our bikes. Damn Szymon, that was a simple yet brilliant idea. Thanks!

God, I love those peanuts


“Who brought those delicious peanuts covered in honey? I have 2 businesses to discuss: 1. I wanted to congratulate you on delivering this dope product 2. WHERE DID YOU BUY THEM?”

Pizza time

Cooking is a big part of our office life — no strings attached. Someone cooks, someone cleans… But Stan really surprised us with his pizza.

He really spent an afternoon in the office to prep the dough that was rising for a while. Vegan options included. It’s fantastic to have such people onboard…

We couldn’t miss updates to our portfolio, could we?

No we couldn’t.

Not too much this week, but it’s a piece of an honest work for Beverbach Single Malt Whiskey. Cheers!

Other updates 🤔

The resemblance is uncanny

LinkedIn recommendation engine seems to be working suprisingly well.

One is a fearless leader, who’s guiding a whole lot of people towards better future. The other is Jarosław Kaczyński, leader of Law and Justice party.

Raving responsibly

The two DJs our office hosts, Filip & Tobiasz had a chance to organize another parties in Poznań. Two weekends in a row.

Ok, the responsibly part is a huge understatement, as keeping sanitary regime in clubs and other bars seems like a grim joke, yet the parties and gatherings are ongoing. So, even if they are going to happen no matter how curvy is the infection rate, at least they are allowing the best djs to share their sick selecta.

This… this isn’t the most fortunate photo that could’ve been taken that night.

Recommendations 🎉

Webdesign mixtape

A gold nugget discovered by Kuba — a collection of web design concepts with a strong focus on art direction, created in lockdown. Not only it’s satisfying to watch, but also entertaining as hell. Highly inspirational, highly recommended.

Cool feature of the week

Before the feature is showcased, I’d like to take a couple of seconds to actually reflect on how cool this part of our Weekly this could be. Especially since the number cool features is growing exponentially.

Back to reality. Szymon has found an article about the most realistic visualisation tool (AR ftw!), this time the one that could show how different your floor could look like.

Hello, Field Tiles? Wanna collab again?

Nevertheless, soon enough you won’t have to leave your home to fully revamp it.


2 solid recs from our 2 solid tune selectors (not to mention them again):

  • Music In Support Of Black Mental Health — those Bandcamp compilations (curated by Filip) in the light of recent events are of uttermost importance. Decent tunes by recognizable artists is one thing, the other is using music as a medium to touch topics that matter around society.
  • Mas Amable by DJ Python — curated by Tobiasz. No special topics here (although poem in ADMSDP can be interpreted variously with LA Warman’s very touching and calming voice), but it’s just extremely pleasurable to listen, with the whole tracklist mixing smoothly.

And thus, the end of this issue has been reached. These words are being written in the hubbub of our office life, with everyone discussing project topics, designs, bugs and with additional sounds of Mirek’s selection blasting through the speakers.

It feels good to be back. But… I think all of ouses can’t wait to lie down and chill like Rafał’s doggy. ❤




We are Adchitects, an award-winning web design agency focused on fostering relationships and work culture to deliver world-class digital products.